Thursday 16 July 2015

Stay Happy

 Things You Should Do To Stay Happy... :)

 Don’t worry, be happy.” ~Bobby McFerrin . The famous note ever.
I was one of those people that when asked what you  want in your life, and i used to  say, “I just want to be happy…”
In my past life , I experience  depression. There was a time  when getting the vegetables or other house hold stuff was most difficult for me .   
Well then something strikes in my mind that why some people are so happy unlike me , then I begin doing what those people  were doing. And my happiness within few days increased and i feel i was so changed. and that was a nice feeling i must say.
So following are some ways to be happy which are used by me in my life..

 Have an official right on your self.

A right to live your life to the matter what other would say just be your self .be the one who enjoys each and every moment of his life not the one who is restricted in rules , well rules are important but not in every aspect of life .
the main thing is let your self fall in ever emotion and explore your abilities. 

 Be a free person life is not about being serious all the time.

don't be afraid from others if u did a mistake rather then just say i did it and i will  improve my self , because whom soever your talking are just like us human who do mistakes.
when there is a lot of work to do and that makes you stressed just leave every thing and talk to your self "yes i can do it " and once your confidence is awake you will start saying "yes i will do it".
and if some times you loose don't thing you can't do it because if you loose, its just not your time to win. but for sure you will win, if you don't stop your efforts.

 Stop thinking so deeply.

people who are happy,most of  them follow a simple rule that is if they are not able to do something they stop doing it and for a while do something which makes them feel free or what they enjoy.

And later on when there stress is released they start working with a fresh mind instead of those  who just stick to a thing. just give your mind some time. its also a living thing believe it or not..

 Just be your self.

Who so ever you are you are special and unique .God have not made any  another copy of you. you have your own abilities and possibilities to do anything you want.

Don't try to copy some Ono's personality or habits because they are unique in there own way and so you are .and believe me start believing your self and you can achieve any thing you want .

 Adjust your self.

There are some time in your life in which you are not comfortable  or you don't enjoy .well try to adjust yourself into that situation because may its help full in future .

Or you can do is, think of your happy time . and I'm sure that time will come because every sadness is an another invitation of happiness.

 Help others.

helping others is a feeling which can not be explained in give you happiness from inside.

 helping other in there difficult situation is the best every quality of a person which he or she can carry,don't ever thing what other would say just do what you want but in a good manner.

Most importantly stay clam  and try to be what you want to be in your life. do hard work plus smart work hope fully you all do best things in your life which makes you feel happy.

And be positive........ :) god is there to help you always.

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