Wednesday 15 July 2015


Amazing Facts

third of 
the world's adult 

Mankind has left 96 bags of urine, feces, and vomit on the moon.

There's a coast-to-coast hiking 
 that stretches from Delaware to California.

All existing JFK   assassination
will be made public 
by 2017.

There's a limestone cliff with over 5,000 dinosaur footprints in Bolivia, with many dating back 68 million years.

Spiders can walk on water, and breathe under it, too.

fake prehistoric rock art of a caveman with ashopping trolley was hung on the walls of theBritish Museum by art prankster Banksy in 2005. Days went by before anyone noticed it.

Mickey Mouse has a sister named Amelia Field mouse.

When asked what his IQ was,Stephen Hawking said "I have no idea. People who boast about their IQ are losers."

There's a 
10,000-seat replica of Solomon's Temple in
 Sao Paulo, Brazil

More people 

died in Auschwitz than the British and American 
losses of WWII 

Spiders don't have penises
They mate with the appendages

 on their face.

The word 
 originally comes from the name of the Roman god of fire, Vulcan.

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