Tuesday 21 July 2015

Cloud computing....

Cloud computing ..

Distributed computing on internet or delivery of computing service over the internet.
example: gmail,yahoo,hotmail.

Instead of running an e-mail program on your computer , you log in to a web e-mail account remotely.The software and storage for your account doesn't exist on your computer its on the service's computer cloud.
It was evolved in 1950 as Remote Job Entry Process(RJE) and in 2006 as Amazon provide first public cloud named as Amazon Web Service(AWS).

 Elements of cloud computing

 It has three elements
1. Client computer
2. Distributed service
3. Datacenters

 Clients :

clients are the device that the most extreme user interact with the cloud.
there are further three types of clients:
1. Mobile
2. Thick
3. Thin ( most popular)


It is collection of servers where application is placed and os accessed via internet.

Distributed servers:

Often servers are in geographically different places, but server acts as if they are working next to each other.

what is reason of being popular of cloud?

1. Reduce the complexity of networks.
2. Do not have to buy software licenses.
3. It can be customise.
4. Scalability, reliability,and efficiency.
5. Information at cloud don't lost easily.


1. Social networking sites.
2. E-mail sites.
3. Search Engines.
4. Other services provided on internet

For  more information (For watching related video)

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