Friday 24 July 2015

How to Concentrate on Studying..

How to Concentrate on Studying..

Preparation  for any exam and test can be difficult and stressful. well, many people find it hard to focus on the task they're trying to achieve .So here are some easy and  simple things to do that can really help you concentrating  while studying.

find a silent place.

. Your bedroom or classroom isn't always the best possible place. Find a nice, quiet place with a large, comfortable chair, like your sitting room, if possible then, without a television, a computer or a cell phone within your reach.
  • The library is usually a nice place to study because it's quiet.
Bring all the stuff before revision .
 Do not plan to look for pens, highlighters, rulers, etc, in the middle of studying. It can be really distracting at times, so prepare everything you think you need.

Choose a partner for studies.
 Pick someone who is sensible and focused like you are on the same task. Don't always pick your best friend, as you may ruin both your concentrations by chitchatting. Having a study partner is a great idea, as you can bounce ideas off each other, and see things form a different perspective as yourself.
  • Choose someone who is smarter than you. It sounds basic to say, but a lot of people overlook this. If you want to learn, choose a study partner who is smart, dedicated, and doesn't mind teaching. Your study sessions will be a whole lot better.

Collect some healthy snaks for the refreshment . 
No energy drinks or coffee, because sooner or later, you will crash out. Granola bars, fruit, and water are good, because they are simple and effective at releasing carbohydrates.

 After 45 minutes of studying, take a 10 minute break and do something different. Try to get back to your studying after the break; the break shouldn't be longer than 20 minutes.

Have some confidence and interest in what you are doing. If you do your revision well and prepare for the exam, you will do fine. Get to a point with your revision so you can enjoy the exam when it happens. Do not think that the exam is a big deal, think of it as something to challenge your learning.
    Set a goal for yourself
    Motivate yourself with a reward.
    Tell yourself why studying is important
Choose a place and start your study.
 You have everything you need in front of you and there's nothing left to procrastinate with. It's just you and the material. Well? What are you waiting for?
Use flash cards and notes to your advantage
Make use of mnemonic tools
Make sure you know the most important information first, and then move onto the rest. 

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