Friday 31 July 2015

How to serve from tornado

                   How to serve from tornado

How to serve from tornado

It is often said that tornadoes are nature's most violent storms, and for good reason. Not only do tornadoes carry winds up to 300 mph (480 km/h)--winds that can level buildings and carry cars through the air 80 feet (25 m) or more--they are also often accompanied by lightning, heavy rains (and flash floods), and hail. When a tornado strikes, your every choice can mean the difference between life and death.

·         Waterspouts, tornadoes that form over water, pose a special problem. While they are generally weaker and slower than tornadoes on land, it's not possible to seek shelter on the open water. If waterspouts have been sighted in the area, get out of the water, if possible. If you're in the water when a waterspout hits, experts recommend trying to avoid it by sailing at right angles to its path, not straight away from it. If a strike is imminent, it's probably best to dive overboard, as you then have a better chance of avoiding injury from flying debris, if your boat gets torn to pieces. If you are on land and a waterspout is very close to shore, you are not necessarily safe, for a waterspout may come on land; however, then they often become weak, but sometimes one won't become weak, going inland, but will become a tornado.
·         If your home has been hit by a tornado, turn off utilities, especially gas and electric, once the tornado danger has passed. If you smell something that is burning or if you see a spark, get out immediately. It could start a fire.
·         Purchase self powered lights and self powered radios, light sticks. After a tornado hits, you may not be able to find badly needed batteries. Radio Shack has the self powered radio, Walmart sells self powered flashlights and glow sticks. Use of candles and lighting cigarettes or smoking is ill advised due to the possibility that gas lines have been by the storm releasing potentially explosive gases.
·         Remain calm and try to keep your family together during and after the tornado. Provide first aid as needed. Even get duplicate packs if necessary.
·         In large, multistory buildings without basements, interior stairwells are usually good places to seek shelter. Try to get to the lowest floor possible. A room in the center of your house or a bathroom is also good...why a bathroom? The "foundation" is reinforced by pipes, and the tornado's high winds will only damage it, and not completely destroy it.
·         Your pantry, if you have one, would be a good form of shelter but in really violent tornadoes (F4 and F5), watch out for stairs falling on you. If possible get under a really strong table.
·         Contrary to popular belief, opening the windows of a house will not reduce tornado damage. In fact, it may increase damage from weaker tornadoes by drawing more debris inside the house.
·         Understand what a tornado watch and a tornado warning means.
o    tornado watch means that there is a threat of tornadoes within the accompanied area (usually a red box surrounding the affected area on Doppler Radar) and that you should keep an eye on the news. A tornado watch usually comes after a severe thunderstorm warning and that the clouds could be capable of producing rotation that can eventually turn into a mesocyclone and then a tornado. Tornado watches are not as serious as a tornado warning but it does not mean that you should forget about it. Such clouds that are involved in a tornado watch are cumulonimbus and nimbus clouds. Keep an eye on the time as you can point out whether the clouds are dark or light depending on the time. 75% of the time, tornado watches will go out without any sign of tornadoes but if a tornado has been detected, read on.
o    tornado warning is much more serious. Tornado warnings mean that a sign of rotation has been detected on Doppler Radar and that you should take immediate action depending on the tornado's location and it's predicted (usually right) track. Don't worry; if the actual tornado has been sighted the tornado siren will sound throughout the entire area. Get the stuff needed in the kit in the Things You'll Need section of the article. Some people tend to call tornado watches a threat, tornado warnings mean a possible tornado has been detected, and tornado danger as the actual tornado touches down.
o    Many tornadoes strike during the evening hours, be sure to have closed toe shoes either stored at your shelter location or ready to be put on in case of tornado weather. In the aftermath of a storm there will be debris everywhere that can cause severe lacerations.
·         If you are stuck on the highway and know a tornado is coming, and there is no way to find any indoor shelter, pull over to the side of the road immediately. Go to the side of the road closest to the tornado, and find a low ditch. Lie face-down with your hands over your head and neck. Despite how dangerous this sounds, physics will cause most of the debris to miss you. It is harder for a tornado to throw anything at you if you are lower to the ground. Debris will fly over you, not on top of you.
·         If you here tornado sirens and you do not see the tornado still take shelter.
Thinks You will also need
·         Batteries
·         Battery-powered radio
·         Self-powered radio
·         Self-powered flashlight
·         Glow sticks (Candles may ignite gas)
·         Clean clothes
·         First-aid kit
·         5–10 gallons (18.9–37.9 L) of water
·         Non-perishable foods

·         Cell phone
                        Take care...............

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