Friday 24 July 2015


How to Relax in Bed

Remaining in bed does not always mean sleeping. Whether it's in the morning and you're lounging around or it's nighttime and you're just relaxing before sleep, relaxing in bed can be some of the best relaxation you get all day. To get the most out of your time spent awake under the covers, you'll need to set the mood, and get to spoiling yourself. Sound goods, huh? Then let's get started.
You’re Bedroom Relaxing
1 Turn off everything electronic. Whether it’s morning or night, you want your relaxing in bedtime to just be you and your bed (and maybe a cup of tea or a book). Anything else should be turned off and put away. Turn your alarm clock away from you, turn off your phone, shut your computer, and lock the door.
·         Having electronics on cues our bodies to stay on the alert. Apart from the light that they emit (that messes with our sleep-awake cycle), they keep us thinking about the million things we have to do. Get rid of them and your brain may be able to shut off, too.
·         To help with this, try staying away from all electronics and artificial light sources that would keep your brain awake for at least one hour before you go to bed.
·         Alright, so the one caveat here is TV if done correctly. We’ll talk about how to do this the right way in the next section.

2 Temperature. If you eventually want to fall asleep, it’s a good idea to lower the temperature to around 66°F (19°C). Not only does this program your body to go into sleep mode, but recent science says it can also up your metabolism and even regulate your insulin levels (helping fight against diabetes). If that’s not reason enough, what is?
·         If you don’t want to fall asleep, make the temperature a little higher, but not too high. You want that sweet spot where your body wants to climb under the covers but not fall asleep. It’ll likely be somewhere around 69° (20°C).

clothes. Even if the temperature is perfect, your bed is comfy, the lighting is dim, and the room smells great, you’re not going to have a relaxing time wearing your Sunday best. Get out of presentation mode and into your pajamas. Or heck, into your birthday suit.
·         You should adjust the temperature to match the clothes you’re wearing. If you’re wearing long johns and a sweater to bed, the room can be a bit colder. If you’re going like the day you were born, you may want to make it a little warmer.
                                     Thanks....... Good night :)

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