Monday 13 July 2015

Sound waves which controls smartphone..

Sound waves which controls smartphone..

Yes.. this is truly possible via a extraordinary device "3D printing device"Chris Harrison of Disney Reseach and Carnegie Mellon University’s HCI Institute who explain the working of this device. They explain that a device known as Acoustrument , which is made up of Stratasys Objet 260 connex 3D printer and designed in Rhino ,diverted the ultrasonic waves coming fron the speakers of smartphone via 3D printed pipes ,which are within the device made up of  VeroClear-RGD810 UV-curved photopolymer.

Working of Acoustrument

Acoustrument mainly contain two pints microphone ,speaker and back end ,in which speaker provide ultrasonic pathway  and back end is for physical control.
Basically Acoustrument transforms sound from the speakers of smartphone . Acoustrument comes in different shapes in order to perform different function. Best thing about it is, cost is low and made up of plastic . Its often said by the research team  “low-cost, passive and powerless mechanism, made from plastic that can bring rich and tangible functionality to hand held devices.”

 plus Acoustrument does not require any batteries or setups and it controls the smartphone and its applications  with sound waves. So many applications can be run counting alarm clocks, smartcases, interactive dolls and interactive toy cars. 

Check it out 

3D printer user guide reference url,news-17651.html

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