Tuesday 18 August 2015

5 Minute

5 Minute Fat Burning Workouts at Home – Best Exercises to Lose Weight

Isn’t great to hear that you don’t need to give money to the gym? Because you can workout at home 5 minutes is enough to maintain your body. These 5 minutes will help you to experience fat loss all over your body if practiced every day. All you need for this fat burning workout is a towel, a mat and a skipping rope (jump rope).

Fat burning workout sets
In this there 8 fat burning exercise that are done in the form of circuit training with 30 seconds to 1 minutes for each exercise.This all exercise can be done in our home or any open space.

Inverted V Pipe Exercise: (30 seconds)

You will be doing this particular exercise for 30 seconds. Place your toes on the towel, which will help you in the smooth movement of the body. Place your hands on the ground and balance your body on the toes and hands. You need to pull your legs close to your body, making an inverted V shape with it. Push the legs away from your hands now, by stretching them backward. Pull and push your legs in and out for about 30 seconds. This movement will work the arms, the core and the lower back.

W Leg Lifts Exercise: (30 Seconds)

This exercise will work your legs and abs. Put your legs down, while putting them down stretch them out in the opposite directions and bring them up to your tummy. Again as you place them down, close them and pull them up. Continue this same procedure for 30 seconds. You will feel a burn in your tummy and legs as you proceed.  This is undoubtedly the best exercise to lose fat from the lower part of the body.

Superman Exercise: (30 seconds)

This is a power-packed exercise to reduce tummy that work your thighs, abs and lower back. After the W lifts turn around and face the ground. Stretch yourself on the ground by keeping your hands and legs straight. You need to lift your chest and thighs of the ground at the same time by balancing yourself on the tummy. While doing this try to keep yourself as straight as possible. Repeat lifting your thighs and chest off the ground for 30 seconds. This exercise is extremely effective to tone your belly.

Jump Squats Exercise: (30 seconds)

The jump squat exercise is a power packed cardio exercise to lose weight that is often included in various fitness regimes. It helps in toning the thighs and working out the whole body. You need to stand straight with your feet at shoulder width. Bend down as much as you can into a perfect squat. Again go down into a squat and jump up. This is a great intensive workout which will keep your heart beat up and make you sweat. 

Single Leg Lift Jump Exercise: (1 minute)

This is one of the most effective workouts to lose weight and tone the body. It works the core muscles and back of the thigh at the same time. It will also help you to gain balance. You need to start by standing straight and lifting the left leg of the ground. Try to touch the ground with your hands and as you come up, you need to jump. Make sure to keep your left leg up all the while. Keep it in a bent position and don’t strain it. First you will touch the ground and then jump on your single foot. Do this for 30 seconds. Then shake it off and continue with the next leg. Bend your right knee and continue the same exercise. It may be a little challenging for beginners, but with practice you will pull it off well.

Push up and Knee Kick Exercise: (30 seconds)

This is an innovated variation of the traditional push-up and is one of the best home exercises to lose weight that takes very less space to perform. You will do just one push up and come back to your starting position. After this you will need to bring your right knee forward to touch your right elbow, and then you will bring your left knee to your left elbow. This is the complete exercise; you need to do this for 30 seconds. Begin with a push-up, go for the knee kicks and then do a push up again. This will build strength in your arms and core.

Bent Leg Rotating Exercise: (1 minute)

You need to lift your right leg which is bent, to your waist. Rotate your leg by keeping your knee bent in circular movements. Rotate it as much as you can for 15 seconds to the front. Now repeat the same rotation with the same leg to the back for 15 seconds. After completing the right leg, move to the left and repeat the same. Bend the knee and rotate it forward for 15 seconds and backward for 15 seconds. This is a challenging weight loss exercise; do try it for strengthening your thighs.


Skipping Exercise: (30 seconds)

Take your jump rope or skipping rope and jump for 30 seconds. You can do normal jumps for the first 20 seconds and go to an intensive one. Jumping with both your legs at once will be a much better choice. You will be warm enough to sweat by the end of this session. Keep your back and knees straight while jumping.


And at end



Amazing Technology

                               Amazing Technology 


Saturday 15 August 2015

Life Changing Seminar


                   Life Changing Seminar

                  Please watch This


                                           If u like this plz comment on this post...............


Best Motivational story

  Best motivational story ( by sandeep maheshwari )



Motivational video in Hindi

                           Motivational video in Hindi



Thursday 13 August 2015

DREAM BIG - Inspiring Animation

           Dreams have No Limits So Dream Big...




Object Oriented           Programming
                   Ankita Pabbi

                                          Harmandeep Singh

Concepts of OOPs
        Data abstraction
        Data encapsulation

        A class is a group of objects that share common properties and relationships.

        An object is an identifiable entity with some characteristics and behavior.

Data Abstraction
        Abstraction refers to the act of representing essential features without including the background details or explanations.

Data Encapsulation
        The wrapping up of data and operations / functions (that operate on the data) into a single unit (called class) is known as encapsulation.

        Modularity is the property of a system that has been decomposed into a set of cohesive and loosely coupled modules.

        Inheritance is the capability of one class of things to derive capabilities or properties from another class.

        Polymorphism is the ability for a message or data to be processed in more than one form.

Advantages of OOP
        Re-use of code
        Ease of comprehension
        Ease of fabrication and maintenance
        Easy redesign and extension

Disadvantage of OOP
        With OOP, classes tend to be overly generalised.
        The relations among classes become artificial at times.
        The OOP programs’ design is tricky.
        Proper Planning & Design is required
        Programmer need proper skills for development

                    Thank you

Play on cyber crime

                 Cyber crime



Wednesday 12 August 2015

Never give up


          Please everybody watch this Video 




Saturday 8 August 2015

Do you dare to dream?

              DO YOU EVER DARE TO DREAM ... IF NO THEN START ... :) 




    WHERE GOOD IDEAS COME FROM by Steven Johnson...


Are Mobile phone good or bad?

    Are Mobile phone good or bad?

Mobile phone is the chip-est way of the communication nowadays. The market of mobile phone increases so faster than cloths. This is the selling in 2015 of some brands:-

·        Samsung: 71.9 million in Q2 2015 
·        Apple: 47.5 million in Q2 2015
·        Huawei: 30.5 million in Q2 2015
·        Microsoft: 27.8 million in Q2 2015
·        Xiaomi: 19.8 million in Q2 2015
·        Lenovo, Motorola: 16.2 million in Q2 2015

Today I discuss about the advantages and disadvantages of Mobile phone
First of all I talk about some advantages:-

1.   Easy and chipper communication:-
It is the best way of communication in chip prize. Mobile phone has clearly made it easier to communicate.

2.   Always connected:-With the upgrades made year by year, Mobile phones are becoming more like computers. You can receive and send emails, downloads movies, games, tickets, money transfer and ever chat with friends. With a mobile phone, you are connected with internet, its mean you are connected with whole world.

3.   Multi uses: - Mobile is that device which performs variety of works. It use as a camera ,as a mp 3 player, as a mp 4 player, has a facility of internet , send and receive mails, playing games, and many more.


1.  Health:-
·       Negativity Affect Emotion
·       Increases Stress Levels
·       Increases Risk of Illnesses in your Immune System.
·       Increases Risk of Chronic Pain
·       Increases Risk of Eye Vision Problem

Mobile phones damage key brain cells and could trigger the early onset of Alzheimer’s disease.

People who use a mobile phone for hours a day are 50 per cent more likely to develop mouth cancer than those who do not talk on them at all, new research has shown.

2.   Gears on Cell Phone:- Mobile Phone not Only Carry important data, but germs too. The average mobile phone user Puts their Phone in contact With several Places Where it can pick up germs.

3.   Traffic Hazard:-Using a cell phone while driving is dangerous.

A recent study proofs that one in four car accident caused by cell phone use while driving. 

4.Addiction of Mobile phone:-The increase of the number and types of models, as well as the services offered by mobile phones, is assisting the increase in the number of cases of what has already become a ‘social illness’ in some countries and which has been called ‘mobile phone addiction’ or ‘cell phone mania’.


Friday 7 August 2015

power of team work

              The power of
       Team work
       Explained with funny and short video..



K map

                  Karnough Map
                     It is use to Reduce the long equation.
·        There are 5 types of K map:-
1.       Two variable
2.     Three variable
3.     four variable
4.    Five variable
5.     Six variable

Two variables K Map
In this there are 2 inputs and 1 output.





K Map

 See Only 1 output because it is minterm i.e sop

Three Variables K Map

In This there are 3 inputs




K Map

Four Variables K map

        For More reduction we use Grouping 

There are 3 types of grouping:-

  • Pair(2)
  • Quart(4)
  • Octal(8)

  • Groups may not include any cell containing a zero 


  • Groups may be horizontal or vertical, but not diagonal. 

  • Groups must contain 1, 2, 4, 8, or in general 2n cells.
    That is if n = 1, a group will contain two 1's since 21 = 2.
    If n = 2, a group will contain four 1's since 22 = 4. 

  • Each group should be as large as possible. 

  • Each cell containing a one must be in at least one group. 
  • Groups may wrap around the table. The leftmost cell in a row may be grouped with the rightmost cell and the top cell in a column may be grouped with the bottom cell. 
  • Examples:-Y(A,B,C,D)=∑m(0,1,2,3,6,8,9,10,11,12,13)

  •                            Y=B'+AC'=A'CD'

