Saturday 8 August 2015

Are Mobile phone good or bad?

    Are Mobile phone good or bad?

Mobile phone is the chip-est way of the communication nowadays. The market of mobile phone increases so faster than cloths. This is the selling in 2015 of some brands:-

·        Samsung: 71.9 million in Q2 2015 
·        Apple: 47.5 million in Q2 2015
·        Huawei: 30.5 million in Q2 2015
·        Microsoft: 27.8 million in Q2 2015
·        Xiaomi: 19.8 million in Q2 2015
·        Lenovo, Motorola: 16.2 million in Q2 2015

Today I discuss about the advantages and disadvantages of Mobile phone
First of all I talk about some advantages:-

1.   Easy and chipper communication:-
It is the best way of communication in chip prize. Mobile phone has clearly made it easier to communicate.

2.   Always connected:-With the upgrades made year by year, Mobile phones are becoming more like computers. You can receive and send emails, downloads movies, games, tickets, money transfer and ever chat with friends. With a mobile phone, you are connected with internet, its mean you are connected with whole world.

3.   Multi uses: - Mobile is that device which performs variety of works. It use as a camera ,as a mp 3 player, as a mp 4 player, has a facility of internet , send and receive mails, playing games, and many more.


1.  Health:-
·       Negativity Affect Emotion
·       Increases Stress Levels
·       Increases Risk of Illnesses in your Immune System.
·       Increases Risk of Chronic Pain
·       Increases Risk of Eye Vision Problem

Mobile phones damage key brain cells and could trigger the early onset of Alzheimer’s disease.

People who use a mobile phone for hours a day are 50 per cent more likely to develop mouth cancer than those who do not talk on them at all, new research has shown.

2.   Gears on Cell Phone:- Mobile Phone not Only Carry important data, but germs too. The average mobile phone user Puts their Phone in contact With several Places Where it can pick up germs.

3.   Traffic Hazard:-Using a cell phone while driving is dangerous.

A recent study proofs that one in four car accident caused by cell phone use while driving. 

4.Addiction of Mobile phone:-The increase of the number and types of models, as well as the services offered by mobile phones, is assisting the increase in the number of cases of what has already become a ‘social illness’ in some countries and which has been called ‘mobile phone addiction’ or ‘cell phone mania’.


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