Wednesday 5 August 2015

Is yoga good for you?

Yoga: A Mantra to heal body/mind/spirit
(Stay prevented; Stay healthy)

In the today’s scenario, mostly people suffers from diseases like Hyper-tension, High Blood Pressure, Diabetes and Heart Disease and many more. The rate of these diseases has recently started appearing at the age of 20-25 years. This is basically due to wrong lifestyle which gets off-track because of fast going life, a lot of competitions, and lack of time due to work overload. Besides this, there are a number of things which make the lifestyle even more worse alike excess intake of salty and fatty food,Non Vegetarian food, addiction of smoking/tobacco, alcohol, lack of physical activity and exercises, less intake of fruits and vegetables.

Yoga–“the most appropriate solution to it and can be practiced by all irrespective of age”.

The effectiveness of yoga can be revealed with its multiple benefits. It has a tremendous potential to overcome many diseases and thus keeps the body flexible and fit. Its best sayings that:

Yoga – “A way to control Body and Mind; a path leads to healthy Lifestyle”.

There are three mainaspects of Yoga are – Meditation (control on Mind), Asana (control of postures) and Pranayama (control on Breathing). The aim is to keep the healthy body based on moral principles or guidelines that develops the right combination between body and mind.The Guiding principles of Yoga are Yama and Niyama i.e. so called the Do's and Don'ts of Yoga. Niyama means "What to Do" and Yama- "What not to do" in life.

There are five Niyamas namelyContentment, Purity/Cleanliness, Dedication, Self-study / Analysis of reality &Devotion to God. If one follows all these five rules – his/her life will become stress free and comfortable, that’s what we require the most in modern life. On the other hand, Yama includes - Don’t indulge in violence, do not be Greedy, don’t tell lie, do not steal, do not become a slave of Sex, and over possessiveness. These all rules have shown a lot of important for the modern youth as they are under stress because of their growing interests of greed; indulge in various violence ; and thus affecting their lifestyle. So, there is the need of Yoga to be implemented in the life of Youth today, so that the whole society will reform.

Yoga -in completeness- is the way to smoothly run the Human machine. It not only makes the bodyhealthy by preventing diseases and curing many deadlydiseases, but also has effect on mind - it quietens the mind, reduces Stress and prevent from various diseases alike Heart Attack, Angina, Depression, Backache, Gastritis, Peptic Ulcer, Headache, Shoulder Ache, Diabetes, Bronchial Asthma,Allergy, Sleeplessness, Phobia, Strokem Paralysis, Obesity, Diarrhoea, Anxiety, Spondylosis etc.

This is all about the importance of YOGA thatleadsto the exciting lifestyle which is just full of happiness and energy by keeping behind all the sorrows and darkness. So just stay connected your life to it to see the better results……J
  In our next post we‘ll discuss about the YOGA asana, about its postures and how it linked to heal various diseases… so stay in touch with our site to keep you updated about the knowledgeable tips……..


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