Saturday, 20 February 2016

Respect for Japan

10 Unbelievable Facts That Would Fill You with Respect for Japan
Japan is the 10th most population, with over 120 Million people. Japan is known as one of the most technically sound country. From surviving the countless earthquakes to mannerism and lifestyle , here are some interesting facts about Japan that would fill you with respect for the country.

1. Over 32 million people in Japan are more than 65 years old. Japan also has more than 40,000 people who are over 100 years old. With 117 years old Misao Okawa being the oldest person alive.

2. No one shoots nobody in Japan. Fire-arm related homicides in Japan is almost negligible.

3. Japan is known for the punctuality. Trains are among the world’s most punctual: with average delay of just 18 seconds.

4. Japanese survive 1,500 earthquakes every year. That’s more than 4 earthquakes per day.

5. In Japan, students teachers come together to clean the classrooms and cafeterias in schools.

6. Japan’s literacy rate is  almost 99%

7. There’s an Island named Ōkunoshima in Japan dedicated to rabbits.

8. The literacy rate is well reflected in the employment system. The unemployment percentage is close to just 4 %.

9. There is almost no immigration in Japan. The population is 98% ethnic Japanese. Immigration rate in Japan is close to 0 %.

10. Sleeping at job is acceptable in Japan. It is considered as a sign of hard-work.

Thank you 

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